Keep It Local Is Launching Its New B2B Program Incentivizing Businesses to Keep Their Money Local

The Keep It Local campaign has been one of the beating hearts of Oklahoma for just over 11 years incentivizing consumers to shop local. Keep It Local is a program that promotes spending your money with local and independently-owned businesses in Oklahoma by helping people find the best local places and reward them for Eating, Shopping, and Playing Local.

The company now has exciting news as they will be expanding their program for Business to Business (B2B) companies in addition to their existing Business to Consumer program. The program is being catapulted by the local telecommunications company, Travis Voice & Data, to help incentivize businesses to keep their money local. The two companies have been working together to promote this new program.

What is the B2B program?

“Our new B2B program will be similar to a loyalty program within our network of participating businesses” says Bryce Bandy, co-owner of Keep It Local. “In addition to the existing Keep It Local Business Member benefits, we want to give our participating businesses the opportunity to offer each other exclusive deals for their products and services.”

The goal of this program is to build stronger relationships among fellow business owners and will, of course, help keep more of the money within Oklahoma’s local business community.When you buy local, 68% of your money stays in the local economy. This is a huge turn over rate compared to the 43% that stays local when you shop at a corporate chain.

How will businesses be found?

Bandy goes on to explain that in addition to exclusive B2B deals, businesses will also have the opportunity to advertise directly to the other participating businesses through spotlight features, sponsorships, and ad placement in our Member newsletters and other inner-network correspondence. They are currently creating a dedicated website that focuses on attracting new businesses to the Keep It Local OK network in addition to providing resources on how to apply to the current business members.

“This site will have a password protected area for participating business owners and their key contacts to have access to our B2B business directory, B2B deals, and additional resources like ‘Keep It Local’ graphics and tips on how to get the most out of your Keep It Local membership.”

What are the benefits to the program?

Bandy explains how their mission has stayed the same since the beginning. “We figured Keep It Local could help solve a few problems: For the public, we could show them where to find all of the best local spots, and as an incentive to try out and frequent these establishments, our Keep It Local Card would reward them for choosing to eat, shop, and play local. For small businesses, we could offer affordable promotion to a targeted audience of people who follow us because they want to know about and support unique local businesses. Finally, we knew that the more customers we could help drive into these businesses, the more money would recirculate in the community and stimulate our local economy. The idea felt like a win, win, win!”

Audrey Mantia, Director of Marketing with Keep It Local’s first B2B business Travis Voice & Data, explains how Keep It Local is benefitting companies like their’s and how it can help other businesses as well. “When we first reached out to Keep It Local, we weren’t sure how our company could fit in. We are a local telecommunications company helping other Oklahoma businesses with their communication needs. We were excited when Bryce said that they have been wanting to start a B2B program, but needed a catalyst company, and we were happy to fill that role. We are now able to offer half off a company’s first month of a hosted phone contract to help businesses spend money on what really matters and keep their money local.”

Now more importantly, why should Oklahoma care?

“We believe that ‘a rising tide lifts all boats,’” explains Bandy, “so the more we are able to strengthen our network and support one another as local businesses, the better it is for all of us and our community as a whole.” Your money is more likely to stay in the local economy when you use local businesses.

Each dollar you spend at a local business whether you are a consumer or fellow business is somehow cycled back into the economy. They utilize local services, supplies, and employees. Your money is used to pay their employee’s salary, which will also eventually be used locally. It pays local taxes to fund schools, fire fighters, etc. This dollar is perpetuated further when businesses buy their supplies from other local businesses which might also be used with other local businesses and so on and so forth.

How to sign up for the B2B program

Interested businesses can sign up for this new program on the Keep It Local website or by emailing This amazing opportunity will help more than just participating businesses, but the Oklahoma community as well. Remember to shop local and stay Oklahoma strong.


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